• We are pleased owners of several paintings by Don Wilson. They are mounted in prominent locations, which enhance the ambiance of our home. We have received numerous compliments over the years! Congratulations Don on your website!
    Nate & Audrey Adams

  • Mr. Wilson’s artwork has helped create a loving, comforting and peaceful spirit for my very lived in home. His jazz pieces pleasantly ignites an exciting reflection of a wonderful
    Genre. So very grateful for him sharing his very creative gift.

    Betty and Robert Wigfall

  • I am Pastor YaQuis Shelley, Sr Pastor of The Hand of the Lord International. A couple of years ago I received a painting from Don of Jesus Christ on the cross. The painting has so much depth and texture. Engaging and stunning. It speaks without words. I actually used it during one of my sermons.

  • We had the opportunity to purchase two pieces of Don’s artwork several years ago and we still admire and have such great appreciation for his style, craft, color, and his ability to capture movement on the canvas. His technique is amazing. We are looking forward to future purchases.

    Jacqueline B. Lawson

  • The artwork that Don gave me is great. The imagery of the jazz player playing the trumpet brings back memories my childhood when I played. Thanks Don.

    Rev. Kenneth Rutledge

  • "Though I was Blind" Review

    The piece we purchased truly exemplifies the story at the Pool of Siloam. My wife and I love the subtle and exquisite colors used to portray the mud and hand. It reaches a level of spirituality and portrayal that goes beyond the tale and into our home.

    David & Joanelle Chapman

  • I am the proud owner of one of my Sands creations.  The day the picture arrived. My daughter got busy opening up the shipping box. You could see the excitement in her eyes. She immediately got busy looking for the best place in the house to mount this impressive creation. She is going to receive another one of Don creations for her birthday present. 

    Dennard Jackson